King Triton

Full Name: King Triton of Atlantica

Grandfather: Neptune (Not THE Neptune, mind you.)

Voice Actor: Kenneth Mars

Featured Episodes: The Little Mermaid and the TV Series

Bio: As King of Atlantica, Triton commands much respect from everyone in the seas. He also is the only one who can fully use the Trident that he carries. Despite this, he has trouble convincing his youngest of seven daughters to obey his laws about humans. He often loses his temper whenever Ariel and humans are mentioned in the same sentence. His favorite instrument is the sea calliope, something everyone else hates.

King Triton is the Sea King and Ariel's father. He is voiced by the late Kenneth Mars in all the above animated material, with the exception of the prequel film, in which he is voiced by Jim Cummings. The reason for his constant clashes with Ariel, according to the film's directors Ron Clements and John Musker, is that both he and Ariel are strong-willed and independent. Triton wields a powerful trident, which is the source of his apparently unlimited power.