
Voice Actor: Buddy Hackett

Featured Episodes: The Little Mermaid, Scuttle

Bio: A seagull whom Ariel turns for (incorrect) knowledge on the human things she finds. Scuttle definitely has trouble cutting to the chase when talking.
A seagull whom Ariel turns for (incorrect) knowledge on the human things she finds. Scuttle definitely has trouble cutting to the chase when talking.

Scuttle is a seagull and friend of Ariel. He appears in the film as an expert on human objects with whom Ariel consults about items she salvages, though his identifications consist of nonsense. He wrongly names a fork a "dinglehopper" and says that it is used as a comb, and a smoking pipe a "snarfblatt" while claiming it works like a trumpet. Scuttle is the only one of Ariel's friends capable of flight and as such is very useful in getting help.